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Tuesday 10 November 2015

Is Faith a passive concept: Ad Rotator IEC

What is faith? It is the trusting that everything will turn out well for all concerned. You have to realise that things will work out in the end for the best but not exactly how you wanted it to. You then have to trust in the outcome accept it and work with it.

Faith is a rather passive concept. As humans beings we love been active so we can follow up events as they happen. We make lists; have wall charts, planners and all the paraphernalia to take control of the situation. 

We must be in charge. Faith does not need any of the above. You must be still and allow the natural forces to take control. You passively wait for the outcome.

To have faith is to accept that there is a plan at work and it will unfold naturally. You have to relax and go with the flow.

Let us assume you have a business that you have been trying to get off the ground for some time. The business is not going the way we would like; business is slow, very slow. What do you do now give it up or have the faith that the situation will improve.

You know the saying, it is always darkest before the dawn; You can be so close to your breakthrough and all that is needed is a little faith and the perseverance to hang on in there a while longer.

You need to be interesting in what you are doing and focusing on it, you need to be enthusiastic about it and get on with it; you need to visualize it as it is already yours and do the work required to obtain it.

You need to involve ourselves in faith and know that whatever the goal it is already ours.

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